
Random Utterances, Rabbit Trails, and Reminiscences . . . basically, things that begin with "R"

Monday, November 5

where does she get that?

a couple of weeks ago jubilee touched my sister's candy jar and fell off of its precarious perch. the mess didn't occur right away. it was more subtle. more like she scooted it just a little and half an hour later it fell off of where it was (the top of the printer) due the vibrations.

my sister asked her if she touched it and jubilee admitted it. kristen was picking up the candy off the floor and jubilee came out with "i'm sorry, nanu. i'm ashamed of myself."

it was pitiful. where did she even get that?!? i never say anything like that to her. i never tell her she should be ashamed of herself or that i'm ashamed of her. that's just wrong. that's something you say to a dog.

it happened again last week. i picked her up from daycare and she told me she spilled her milk. i said "that's a shame" and she said "yes, mommy. i'm ashamed of myself." i told her to never be ashamed of herself and then told her it was "a pity" that she spilled her milk.

i want to know who has been talking to my daughter that way. there is no way she just came up with that on her own. if i find out it was one of the teachers at daycare, they might be meeting the open side of my palm because no child should ever hear those words.


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