
Random Utterances, Rabbit Trails, and Reminiscences . . . basically, things that begin with "R"

Monday, October 1

high school reunion

So here it is. Time for my 10 year high school reunion. Some of the people putting it together found a website to host the reunion and uploaded pictures from elementary, junior high, and high school. They uploaded this picture that was taken of the senior class together.

So, I was looking at this picture and thinking. Did I really spend 7 years with most of these people and I can't even name 20 of them? Really. There were only 86 in our senior class and 83 graduated. Why can I not remember any of these people? Was I that much of a recluse? I had classes with most of these people from 6th grade up and I can't name half of them. Have I had a head injury?

I hope I don't make an idiot out of myself at the reunion and introduce myself to someone's spouse like they were a classmate. Wish me luck!


At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you knew my name! I have enjoyed reading your blog. I can tell you read a lot because your vocabulary and ways you express yourself are so vivid. You have a beautiful daughter and I can tell - are a great mom. I know it must be hard - mom, work, school. I know it takes a lot of character to do what you are doing. I hope you are proud of yourself!

John Cantrell

At 7:26 AM, Blogger mllnclly79 said...

Thanks John, You always had something positive to say and that is a good charateristic to have. I'm glad that you are doing so well. Good luck to you in school!


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