
Random Utterances, Rabbit Trails, and Reminiscences . . . basically, things that begin with "R"

Tuesday, August 29

cheating boyfriend

you think you know someone. you've been with them for 13 and 1/2 years. you've taken trips to the beach together. gone on weekend trips to Gatlinburg. you're practically inseparable.

he's been with you through 2 hospital stays. sat with you while you've recovered from minor illnesses. been with you when you're friends have hurt your feelings and comforted you when you've just had a bad day.

he's not afraid to watch a chick flick. he's a great listener. so what if he's going a little bald. you still love him because he's been there for you through so much.

and then one day you walk in and he's in the arms of a younger woman . . .

that's right. my daughter has stolen the love of my teddy bear. we're coming up on our 14th anniversary at Christmas and he stayed in her room 2 nights last week.

it was tragic. i was scrambling to find a replacement bear to sleep with at 9 o'clock at night. i slept alright, but no one can replace Peter. i hope i don't have to give him up. but if it came down to it, i'd let her have him.


At 6:25 PM, Blogger Budd said...

I try to get my daughter to sleep with my old teddybear. Mine is about 24 years old though.


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