Happy Birthday, Jubi!
It was Jubi's Birthday on 8/24/06 and, since mom & dad are the Youth Pastors, we had cake with the teenagers in the gym on Wednesday 8/23. We put her candle on top of the cake and were trying to wait for someone to come with matches or a lighter to light her candle.

She also licked the icing off of her candle and kept asking for me to put more icing on it by thrusting the candle at me and saying "I want some more". I had flashbacks to her first birthday when she had a Carebear cake with plastic carebears on it and all she did was lick the frosting off the carebears and immediately threw up all the frosting when we got home. Fortunately, it was a very uneventful evening.
She did get some presents. One of her favorites is a baby doll from Miss Brenda.

She also got a 100 piece set of blocks from my sister which she alternately calls blocks and puzzles. She is a little obsessed with the cylindrical pieces. She makes a tall tower and then puts a triangle on top and then says "I made the castle!"

Basically, we celebrated her birthday a little at a time over the course of a week. Her favorite presents were the blocks and the baby doll. The blocks keep her occupied for up to 45 minutes.
Thank you so much Kristen!!
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