biker baby
i decided last week, while cruising around eBay, that it would be a good idea to see what they had in the way of motorcycle helmets. well, being the girly-girl i'm becoming, i couldn't resist when i saw this black half-helmet with pink flames outlined in bright blue. checked the price and said to myself "that's pretty darn reasonable".

i was super-excited when i picked my package up at the P.O. on Saturday (always get your packages insured). when we opened the box and Jubi saw what it was, she immediately said "put on my head". who's going to say no to that? it's a very lightweight fiberglass helmet so Jubi was able to walk around with it on without any problems.

she just looked so darn cute! i finally had to put it away though when she dropped it on the floor. i didn't want her to crack it before i ever got to wear it. i did get to wear it later that day. it's a great helmet with really good padding and a very comfortable chin strap.
the second ride was better than the first, though i still felt like i was about to fly off the back at times, especially when going up steep hills or after a quick acceleration, but i had a great time and i got to see parts of goodlettsville and gallatin that i'd never seen before. i saw beautiful pastures, large houses, country side, farms, cows, goats, horses . . . it was amazing.
oooh, shiney!
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