
Random Utterances, Rabbit Trails, and Reminiscences . . . basically, things that begin with "R"

Thursday, August 3

me not quirky

i'm not quite sure what started the conversation, but budd, nick, and i were probably talking about crazy people and the weird things they do and i admitted that i own (a few) odd behaviors. everyone does.

here's my tribute to quirkiness. a catalogue of deranged rituals. please leave comments and let me know what you or your friends/family do.

(ex: on Everybody Loves Raymond Ray's brother Robert always has to touch his utensil to his chin before putting it in his mouth while eating)

  1. i put on a sock then a shoe, then the other sock and shoe (not both socks then both shoes), always start with the right shoe
  2. i don't like for my food to touch, if any food is touching, the offending food is left on the plate
  3. if there is a sauce/gravy involved, and it's not a 1 course meal, a napkin is wedged under 1 side of the plate to make sure the liquid does not contaminate the rest of the food
  4. i drive with my window down in all weather except for rain
  5. i like to sing along with the radio and fling my hair (while driving this usually elicits stares)
  6. i prefer to eat an even number of things (chips, fries, or cookies); if there are not an even number, i won't leave 1, i will leave 3 so they won't be lonely; if i'm feeling really hungry and really want to eat the food (usually with chocolate), i might break them in half to make it an even number
  7. when eating a banana, if i encounter a bruise, i stop eating it and throw it away
  8. always lick the lid of the pudding
  9. not ashamed to admit that i will eat off the floor (unless the item was moist either before or after it hit the floor and unless i'm at home & know the floor is clean)
  10. i like to eat sandwiches & hamburgers around the outside first and then eat the middle
  11. always check my closet before bed for serial killers and ex-husbands

i think that just about covers it for now. . . about the rest of the family . . .

  1. my dad has to check all the windows and doors to make sure their "secured" every night (sometimes twice); during my childhood, he would include closets
  2. my daughter Jubi likes to take the peel off of a banana, hold it in the middle, and eat it from both ends until she gets to the part she's holding (then she doesn't know what to do with it)
  3. Jubi also likes to caress her face, and sometimes foot, with a blankie while relaxing on the couch drinking milk

in conclusion, i don't think i'm quirky . . . exactly. just because i have certain behaviors that i prefer to engage in doesn't mean anything. it doesn't.

i've told you mine. now you tell me yours.


At 6:09 AM, Blogger Budd said...

I don't have any neurotic or OCD type behaviours.

I do eat my reece's cups ridges first.

Twix bars are eaten in this order. 1. chocolate sides 2. chocolate and caramal top 3. cookie

Nutty bars are to be eaten by layer.


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