stupid censorship
Having a child in the house, generally, means you start recognizing that not everything you say is appropriate for little ears to hear. This especially becomes the case when said child begins to talk and, worse yet, repeat every word you say.
My daughter loves Spongebob and she was watching the show

Oh the dismay! Spongebob would have to be faithfully edited and all episodes containing stupid, dumb, and idiot would have to be avoided. Also the episode where Flatts the Flounder threatened during the ENTIRE episode to kick SpongeBob's butt resulting in several days of "kick you butt" being repeated.
I decided, and my mom agreed, it would be better for Jubi to watch more PBS Sprout.
She came to enjoy other shows, such as Pingu, Kipper, and Thomas the Tank Engine. She sings along with the theme songs from Make Way for Noddy and Dragon Tales and it is just absolutely adorable. She doesn't talk as much as she used to, but when she does, it makes more sense and it is in the appropriate context and not just random quotes from television. We've basically had to reboot her computer.
I did, however, notice her continued use of the word "stupid" and the more recent addition of "shoot". I have no idea where the last one came from . . . I really don't. I then realized that the other things we watch on television contain things she probably shouldn't be hearing either. Imagine my complete shock when I heard "a**" on Law & Order during a Prime Time slot. I couldn't believe TNT was putting that kind of language in their scripts. I suppose I should be more worried if she comes out with "crime scene" or "homicide" at daycare, but I can hope they'll write it off as an unintelligible utterance. I also noticed that I, and other members of my household, fling around the word "stupid" like we used to whack a birdie during a game of badminton.
"did you hear that so-and-so did such-and-such?"
"well that's just stupid!"
"yeah! that is stupid."
"hey! I can't find my stupid keys!"
"did you check over there?"
"no . . . that was a stupid place to put them!"
And there you have it. I can try to stop my daughter from hearing inappropriate language on television, but it won't matter if I'm unable to filter out this language from daily conversation between me and my family. These words have become so commonplace we don't even realize we use them.
We stick with PBS. Today my daughter was afraid to ask my wife what a word meant because she thought it was a bad word. We had borrowed a Garfield cartoon movie from the library and in the movie Garfield calls Odie a Bozo.
My wife didn't know what it meant and had to call me.
Our daughter makes sure we don't say stupid. If she can't say it, neither can we.
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